Newsletter 56 - May 2006

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In the past





On the road

This year there have not been as many trips away as in the past, when my live style and ministries were different, but spring remains the period for journeys. Lately we have been in Spain for the conference of the whole mission, and then a few days ago near Modena for a missionary get-together. Although Stefania is quite used to the car, I was wondering how she would cope with the 10 hour trip to and from Spain. But she loved her first ever ride in a plane, in a bus and in a train. She is curious and likes observing everything, so had a great time seeing lots of things for the first time and experiencing new things. Pinuccia also enjoys these times away, meeting and having fellowship with other missionaries. And although it is different for me making these trips now with a daughter as well, for example having less time to speak with the others, I enjoyed the new possibilities that the trips give to a family.

In the family

Despite many lessons from me, the first word that Stefania pronounced (at seven months and a day, the day before mothers' day) was "mamma". However, she made up for this at lunch two days later by looking me straight in the eyes and saying "dadda". I have been teaching her 'daddy', but I will accept this as a first attempt. We are bringing Stefania up as bilingual; I speak to her in English, Pinuccia (and the rest of her friends) in Italian. Then later on she will probably learn some Sicilian dialect from her relatives, and some Trento dialect at school – at least more than I have ever learnt to understand.

On the computer

An e-mail I received this week, from one of the users of my site:

First of all I want to congratulate you for your Internet site that really is useful and very easy touse as well as being a very quick tool for consulting the Bible. I should also thank you because through this site, that I discovered by chance (and even my local priest had suggested it to me, but I had already discovered it!), I discovered how wonderful are some passages and psalms. I can say that at 20 years I have rediscovered the Bile, I had never read it so much, I have even brought my own personal copy.

Continue to pray for those that come to the Bible, for the first time or for the thousandth time, through my Internet site, that it can help them in their relationship with God.

Upcoming events

  • June 8: Public conference organised by the church on "The Da Vinci Code".
  • June 17-18: Church weekend away.
  • June 24: The Monday night cell group will see the film "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" with their friends, with pizza and discussion of the film after.
  • end of June: conclusion of the cell groups and youth group for the church year, before the summer break; they will resume in September


Enjoying our time together at the pool in Spain. Stefania had her first "swim" here, as well as her first time at the beach - getting ready for a few weeks at the sea in Sicily in July-August.